Sunday, April 6, 2008

Strict Vegan Diets May Be Dangerous, Especially for Expectant Mothers and Children
By Chet DayJuly 14, 2000Addendum completed on February 27Most recent overall update on October 22, 2002
IntroductionLet me say before we jump into the heart of this matter that I believe most people who claim to do well long-term on vegan diets do so because they don't follow their diets strictly. I believe most of those who claim to thrive long-term on vegan diets occasionally consume animal foods containing essential nutritive factors. I have come to this conclusion based on almost ten years of extensive postal and e-mail correspondence sent to me by individuals who have tried to live on various vegan programs, everything from 100% raw food to fruitarianism to Natural Hygiene to the Hallelujah Diet preached by George Malkmus to Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet.
Although I'm unaware of any long-term follow-up studies, anecdotal evidence for strict vegan diets suggest they do an excellent job for many people who have used them to overcome major health challenges. There is no question that many people with terrible health problems have received relief by using a raw foods diet or a Natural Hygiene diet or George Malkmus's Hallelujah Diet.
Like any other program, however, some of the people following these vegan diets have had their health problems return. And, of course, some have also died, as is true of all health programs and all medical procedures. Unfortunately, with most well-publicized diet programs, we rarely hear negative reports involving disappointments and that omission has always bothered me because it shades the truth.
Additionally, people who find their health restored by a vegan diet usually believe they've now found the only way to eat. I've learned from painful personal experience that this can be a dangerous assumption long-term.
Without further preliminaries, let me reveal why I now believe vegan diets may be dangerous in the long-term for those who actually follow them strictly and especially so for expectant mothers and children.
My thoughts on this topic came together for me in the summer of 2002 when I received a Back to the Garden newsletter mass mailed by George Malkmus that featured two articles about mothers and babies following the Hallelujah Diet. The articles lead readers to the conclusion, on the basis of perhaps a half dozen "testimonies," that a restrictive, low-calorie, low-fat vegan diet is ideal for expectant mothers as well as for nursing mothers and their babies and children.
Because I managed the Hallelujah Acres web site and worked with George Malkmus for 18 months until January of 1999, some people still mistakenly associate my name with the Hallelujah Diet.
In good conscience I must make it crystal clear that I consider strict adherence to the Hallelujah Diet as currently taught by George Malkmus, as well as any other strict vegan diet, to be dangerous for expectant mothers, nursing moms, babies, and children.
I also now consider strict vegan diets to be potentially deficient for teenagers who burn a lot of calories each day and whose growing bones and bodies still require a full spectrum of nutrients. This appears from my correspondence to be true for most adults, as well, if they follow a vegan diet strictly for a year or two or more.
[During October of 2002, unequivocable evidence came in proving how dangerous long-term adherence to the Genesis 1:29 can be. Click here to read my review of Greg Westbrook's groundbreaking When Hallelujah Becomes "What Happened?" - Crashing on the Vegan Diet. Or click here to order a copy of this must read book for anyone on the Gen 1:29 program.]
I will now specifically address the Hallelujah Diet because it is the vegan diet most often still associated with my name, but what I have to say holds true for all diets that prohibit eating all animal foods.
Individuals on the Hallelujah Diet are told to eat no meat, no white flour, no dairy, no sugar, and no salt. They are told to drink carrot juice (at least 16 ounces a day) and their water should be distilled, though a filtered and ozonated water has also been approved as a viable alternative. The diet calls for no solid food other than fruit or salad before the evening meal, which consists of a large salad followed by cooked, vegetarian fare. The diet also includes a tablespoon of a blended oil each day and a recently-added B12 supplement, as well as a super green drink three times a day.
Although the Hallelujah Diet helps many adults with health or weight challenges, according to the short-term testimonies published in their print and e-mail newsletters, I know from correspondence and my own experience with unedited and uncensored discussion lists that many people are not able to stay on the program for more than a few weeks or months. For those who do follow it strictly, I believe this diet may cause serious problems long-term, particularly for mothers, babies, and children, and most especially in neurological and skeletal development of infants and children.
To clarify my position, let me list the major areas where I agree and disagree with the Hallelujah Diet.
Regarding dietary matters, I believe most people can attain a high level of health from eating a predominantly plant-based, uncooked, whole food diet. I agree that sugar and white flour and processed foods with additives contribute to disease. I agree that having fresh vegetable juice each day is a wise thing to do. I think a super green drink is an excellent supporter of health for many people. I agree that one also needs a source of essential fatty acids each day. And if one is a vegan, I agree that B12 supplementation is an absolute must, as the researcher for the Hallelujah Diet recently recommended.
Now, here's where I part company with the Hallelujah Diet.
WaterI think it's important to drink some pure water each day, though as of August 2002 I have begun to seriously question the oft-heard injunction in the natural health world to drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses every day. Hallelujah Acres says to consume liquid from juices and downplays the idea of consuming much water. Although my suspicion is that the body does not treat water the same as it treats juice, my current thinking is that listening to our body's requests for liquid may be the most sensible approach.
SaltAlthough I abstained from all forms of salt for several years, I no longer believe it's healthy to avoid salt for long periods. I now use Celtic sea salt pretty regularly and now believe the human body makes good use of minimally processed sea salt for many bodily functions. Modern medicine, as it often does, seems to be coming full circle on the salt question, and fairly recent studies reveal that consumption of some salt may be necessary for long-term health. See "Dietary salt reduction in hypertension--what is the evidence and why is it still controversial?" in Prog Cardiovasc Dis 1999 Jul-Aug; 42(1):23-38.
My present understanding is that good health involves a balance of salt and potassium. Although illnesses do develop from too much salt -- and most people on the standard American diet use far too much highly-processed, supermarket salt -- evidence mounts that long-term avoidance of salt can also be detrimental.
If you'd like interesting reading on the value of using Celtic sea salt, check out their web site by clicking here.
While we're on the topic of salt, let me repeat what I've written many times before: I consider Bragg Liquid Aminos a poor salt substitute since it is made from soybeans, a food stuff currently receiving a lot of bad press in the natural health field. Many use the Bragg product to improve the flavor of their meals. I suggest Celtic sea salt will do the same thing without the possible dangers of a soy-based product.
Carrot JuiceInstead of drinking straight carrot juice, which is extremely high on the glycemic index and thus dangerous for diabetics, candida sufferers, and those with hypo or hyperglycemia, I prefer vegetable juices with no more than 1/4 carrot juice as the base. When I juice these days, my juice is predominantly composed of leafy greens, celery, zucchini, bok choy, and so on. I continue to believe that juicing is an excellent thing to do for the serious health seeker, and I just wish most people had enough time to do it more often. My current understanding of juicing is that it works best when there's a balance of variously-colored vegetables in the juice.
Animal FoodsI think it's important for most people, especially individuals like me who zealously followed strict vegan diets for several years, to eat some "clean" and minimally processed animal foods as their body needs point out to them.
I currently eat health food store butter and free-range eggs as well as deep sea salmon. I don't drink milk, though I will occasionally have some organic, raw milk cheese or yogurt made from cows that are pasture fed and not injected with antibiotics and hormones. I try to avoid all supermarket dairy products. In September of 2002, we added grass-fed, organic beef to our diets. I eat these animal foods when my body tells me I need them. I'll go for days (and sometimes weeks) without an egg, and suddenly I'll know by a strong craving that I need some eggs, so I'll eat them until that feeling goes away. Ditto for fish. Ditto for cheese. Ditto for beef and chicken.
The ovo-lacto vegetarian diet (plants and eggs and dairy) seems to me to be an excellent choice for those who wish to avoid eating animal flesh.
If they aren't comfort-food related and generated for psychological or stress-based reasons, food cravings often suggest your diet isn't working for you. Listen to your body. It knows what it's talking about. Even cravings for junk food may well be telling you that you're not getting enough concentrated foods, or some other needed factor, in your diet.
Before some pundit misinterprets or tries to twist what I'm suggesting, I do not urge you to run down to the local Dairy Queen when you suddenly crave ice cream. Instead, entertain the possibility that your body needs some animal fat to help utilize fat-soluble vitamins and other factors not present in strict vegan diets.
If you want a Big Mac, your body's probably telling you it needs some meat. But instead of eating the highly-processed fast food hamburger, seek out the best quality meat you can find at a health food store and then eat it and enjoy it. Guilt contributes nothing to human health.
Philosophically, I continue to believe that a predominantly plant-based and uncooked diet is the best thing for the long- term health of most people. Personally, I would estimate somewhere between 5% and 15% of my current diet (as of August, 2002) includes animal foods. Animal foods probably compose closer to 20% of the diet of my wife and sons, and they eat more cooked foods to meet their energy requirements. As a side note, I generally find that animal foods satisfy my appetite much more than vegan choices.
B12 and Other DeficienciesTo return to my main reason for publicly rejecting the Natural Hygiene, Hallelujah Diet, and other vegan programs that I once praised so highly, I do so because I find deeply disturbing the suggestion in the Summer/Fall 2002 issue of Back to the Garden that the Hallelujah Diet is ideal for expectant mothers and children. I was especially concerned because the Hallelujah Acres' researcher, Michael Donaldson, a Cornell Ph.D., pointed out in the same issue in his excellent B12 article: "Our study revealed early signs of vitamin B12 deficiency in 26 of the 54 people tested, after following the Hallelujah Diet for as little as two to four years."
Dr. Donaldson includes a list of all major sources of B12 in a vegan diet and observes, "We see then that dietary vegan sources of vitamin B12 are very sparse since plant foods do not contain vitamin B12 in appreciable amounts." He concludes that all vegans must take a B12 supplement.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, Dr. Donaldson's important conclusions about B12 deficiencies and how they can affect infants weren't even mentioned in the two articles aimed at mothers and babies, a particularly vulnerable group. Here's what Dr. Donaldson reported, three sentences that should have been included in both articles about expectant mothers:
"Based on the published studies and our results, adequate vitamin B12 status of vegans cannot be taken for granted. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and small children are particularly vulnerable to B12 shortages. Ensuring adequate B12 is critical for normal neurological development and maintenance, with shortages resulting in permanent damage."
As an editor, I know many readers can be expected to read only certain articles in a publication. As an editor, I would have felt obligated to highlight these critical three sentences in a sidebar box in each of the two articles aimed directly at expectant mothers so there would be no chance that a mom might miss the fact that she HAS to supplement with B12 if she's going to follow the Hallelujah Diet as recommended and not risk causing irreparable problems for her baby.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, a vegetarian-sourced addition of B12 supplementation will not solve all problems of deficiency on a vegan diet, especially for mothers, babies, children, and growing teenagers. With additional reading and corresponding on my part since January of 1999, I now believe that deficiencies of Vitamin D, zinc, iron, and calcium -- and probably numerous other nutritional factors that haven't yet been identified -- can and do occur in strict vegans.
I applaud Dr. Donaldson for his important work, work that has now scientifically confirmed for the vegan world flaws that were anecdotally observed -- but widely ignored and loudly disparaged by those who did take note of them -- in the 1950s in the Natural Hygiene world by Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio when many of his long-term patients and second and third generation vegan children did not thrive.
Gian-Cursio attributed the problems to deficiencies in Vitamin B12. Cursio's student, Dr. Stanley S. Bass, later discovered that a vegan diet was also often deficient in Vitamin D. Apparently sunshine is not enough. Cursio's patients and their children only regained their health when they added egg yolks and raw milk cheese to their diet, as well as blended salads -- the Natural Hygiene equivalent of daily juicing. You must read this important information in its entirety and you can do so by clicking here. (This is a pdf file, so be patient while it loads into your browser.)
While reading the Cursion-Bass insights, be sure to take particular note of the information regarding researcher Dr. Weston Price, who traveled the world in search of an ideal diet.
You can also learn a lot from long-term vegan Dr. Stanley S. Bass, who is now a convincing advocate for the inclusion of animal foods, at his web site. Other long-term vegans whose health and energy levels went downhill reveal what they've learned at the excellent Beyond Vegetarianism web site.
While researching the B12 topic on Medline, I was especially troubled by an article entitled "Persistence of neurological damage induced by dietary vitamin B-12 deficiency in infancy" which was published in Arch Dis Child 1997 Aug;77(2):137-9. The abstract read, "A case is reported of a 14 month old boy with severe dietary vitamin B-12 deficiency caused by his mother's vegan diet. Clinical, electroencephalography (EEG), and haematological findings are described. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed severe frontal and frontoparietal cranial atrophy. Vitamin B-12 supplements led to a rapid improvement of haematological and neurological symptoms. Serum vitamin B-12 and urinary methylmalonate excretion were normal 10 days after treatment began. After six weeks, EEG was normal and cranial MRI after 10 weeks showed complete disappearance of all structural abnormalities. Cognitive and language development, however, remained seriously retarded at the age of 2 years. It is concluded that infantile vitamin B-12 deficiency induced by maternal vegan diets may cause lasting neurodisability even though vitamin B-12 supplementation leads to rapid resolution of cerebral atrophy and electroencephalographic abnormality."
Please note the terribly important last two sentences: "Cognitive and language development, however, remained seriously retarded at the age of 2 years. It is concluded that infantile vitamin B-12 deficiency induced by maternal vegan diets may cause lasting neurodisability even though vitamin B-12 supplementation leads to rapid resolution of cerebral atrophy and electroencephalographic abnormality."
In other words, some B12 deficiency damage can not be reversed in the crucial areas of neurological development and functioning.
In closing this section, I'd like to quote from The Weston A. Price Foundation web site, a site devoted to traditional diets that have a great deal to teach modern health seekers:
The wisdom of primitive peoples is vastly superior to our own in this regard, in that a common practice among isolated groups is the feeding of special foods to both men and women for a period of time before conception occurs. Dr. Weston Price's studies revealed that these foods -- including organ meats, fish heads, fish eggs, shell fish, insects and animal fats -- were rich in fat-soluble vitamins A and D as well as macro and trace minerals. Couples planning to have children should eat liberally of organic liver and other organ meats, fish eggs and other seafood, eggs and the best quality butter, cream and fermented milk products they can obtain for at least six months before conception. A daily cod liver oil supplement is also advised. Organic meats, vegetables, grains and legumes should round out the diet, with a special emphasis on the leafy green vegetables rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the prevention of birth defects like spinal bifida. (Click here to read the complete article.)
Concluding ObservationsUnfortunately, rather than reading hundreds of studies on veganism and vegetarianism at Medline to get a balanced view, many health seekers all-too-often wed themselves to ideas about diet that they then want to remain loyal to for the rest of their lives, even when their own health begins to suffer. I know this because I've been there, and I've had my attachments to more than one idea or school of thought or so-called expert that I didn't want to give up on.
My years of correspondence on the Internet with thousands of health seekers, however, has forced me to realize that achieving superior health is not as simple as many gurus would have us believe.
Many health writers negate much of the good that their basic regimen offers because they refuse to make improvements that conflict with their theories. Sadly, ego often blocks the path of an honest search for the truth. From hard experience, I now realize that ultimate health comes from balance and being open to all kinds of information that will help you learn to interpret the signals coming from your body.
I hope you will research diet and health carefully so you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family. If you or your spouse or your children aren't thriving on a strict vegan diet, doesn't it make sense to do research on your own rather than to rely on some self-proclaimed expert who in reality doesn't have as firm a grasp on the truth as his strong voice from the lecture of health might lead you to believe?
I'm not the only former vegan who feels this way. One of my colleagues here on the Internet, who also corresponds weekly with hundreds of health seekers, has reached conclusions similar to mine. To read the important story of an expectant mother who realized in time that a strict vegan diet might harm her and her unborn child, click here.
And click here to see how many well-known natural health authorities also ate and recommended eating some clean animal foods. Sadly, several of these authorities are cited as being strict vegans by many of the vegan gurus, when, in truth, that just wasn't the case.
In closing, the modern Western diet sickens us with its overload of meat, salt, bad fats, white sugar, white flour, and its deficiency of living foods. But to totally forego all animal foods -- and salt, which I'll write about in a future article -- can lead to trouble down the road, trouble that can sometimes remain undetected until irreparable damage is done.
A famous writer and ex-vegan by the name of Upton Sinclair, the activist who forced the meat-packing industry to clean up its act many decades ago when he wrote The Jungle, found he couldn't maintain his work levels on a vegan diet.
Writing sadly that he hated to give up veganism, Sinclair did so nonetheless because he found his brain just wouldn't function at an optimal level on fruits, vegetables, juice, nuts, and seeds. He turned to Salisbury steak as his answer.
Although Upton Sinclair was nearly crucified by his vegan friends for changing his diet and writing about the positive results from the change, he maintained that he went where the truth led him.
I feel the same way.
February 2002 Addendum
I'm increasingly disturbed by the number of letters coming in from individuals who have had their health and well-being deteriorate after following a strict vegan or raw food program for various lengths of time.
In just a minute I'll share with you the most recent letter, this one from a woman who ate a raw food, vegan diet for several years and who developed spleen deficiencies and other problems.
The pattern I've been monitoring in email for several years now suggests that the longer a person stays on a strict vegan diet (with little or no "cheating"), the more apt that person is to develop not only deficiency symptoms but potentially even chronic health problems.
Although I'm not the only former vegan and raw foodist seeing this pattern, I seem to be one of the few who actually writes about it and discusses it in public. For various reasons, many former (and most current) vegans and raw foodists don't want to publicly confront the problems with their idealistic diets, though many are willing to share their observations and experiences with me in private. But that's a whole different article.
Most Commonly Reported Problems and Symptoms
What are the most commonly reported symptoms from long-term vegans and raw foodists who have been forced to add some animal fat and protein back into their diets to regain or maintain superior health, energy, and well-being?
Below are the symptoms and problems I hear about in mail from long-term vegans and raw foodists on an all-too-regular basis:
inadequate milk production for nursing mothers, as well as retarded physical and mental development in some children who are strictly on a vegan or raw food diet;
slow metabolism leading to a much less robust lifestyle;
a general lack of vitality;
low body temperature (always cold);
a weak, touchy digestive system with a loss of digestive strength (unable to metabolize food quickly, have to be careful what you eat, how much, must practice food combining to be able to digest food, etc.);
food cravings (especially among women);
stalled weight loss because metabolism is too low (predominately in women);
inability to gain weight, resulting in shrunken, cadaverous-looking bodies (predominately in men);
weight gains from overeating on carbohydrates;
amenorrhea (menstrual cycles cease), even in young women;
loss of libido;
hair loss and nail problems;
dental cavities, tooth loss, and gum problems;
joint pain;
inability to conceive
You know, one of the things that disturbs and puzzles me the most about long-term veganism and raw foodism is that so many of the above problems disappear when a person initially goes on a strict vegan or raw food diet and begins the detox process. I know this was true in my case, and I know it's also been true in thousands of other instances.
But… and this is a very large and loud but… unfortunately these health gains don't last for most people who stick with a strict vegan or raw food diet, especially when we're talking about adhering to such a program for periods of years. Indeed, all too often the old symptoms and diseases return or, just as worrisome, new health problems begin to manifest as a result of what appear to me to be inherent deficiencies brought about from the lack of various nutritional factors (both known and unknown by science) that are only present in foods from the animal kingdom.
Wouldn't it be nice to see some truly objective research that would get to the bottom of the relationship between long-term veganism and chronic health problems and symptoms like the ones listed above?
Until that kind of research is done (and don't hold your breath waiting for someone to fund it), we'll have to rely on the same anecdotal evidence to show veganism and raw foodism doesn't work for everyone that the vegan and raw food gurus rely on to "prove" their programs do work for everyone.
Read on to see what I mean…
Hi Chet,
I was wondering if you've heard anything about the association between a predominantly raw food diet and a Chinese diagnosis called spleen deficiency?
I was following the [biblical nutrition] diet for the past few years and would say that I was faithful except for the occasional inclusion of a very small amount of dairy and eggs and consumed approximately 50% raw instead of 80%. Every once in a while I would eat a vegetarian burrito or pizza or pasta from a restaurant but would usually request no dairy. I was very faithful with my juicing and consumed a lot of BarleyLife.
Here's the scoop. For the past 6 months I slowly developed a chronic rhinitis condition and have felt exceptionally chilled all the time. In addition, I felt exhausted and had difficulty maintaining my quality of life. My allergist said that I'm suffering from non-allergic and allergic rhinitis and the only thing he could do is prescribe drugs.
I decided to go to a traditional Chinese medical doctor (licensed acupuncturist) who diagnosed me as having a spleen deficiency that was probably caused by grief/stress in my life and too much raw food. She explained that she's not saying that raw food is a bad thing, just that I, personally, am not the type of person who can handle large quantities of it. I tend to be more on the cold side (yin) and since raw food is cooling to the body I need to limit my consumption. Of course in the summertime, when the temperature is warmer, and thus I'm warmer, I can increase my consumption.
Well, I have dropped my raw food consumption to a minimal amount, added fish and more eggs to my diet, while maintaining my high quality whole foods diet with lots of lightly cooked veggies. With the diet change and acupuncture/herbal treatments along with other tips to warm up my body like ginger tea and a hot water bottle, I'm starting to feel better.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? The one size fits all attitude about diet, I'm realizing, isn't true. Your input would be appreciated. I know you hear from a lot of people and I'm thinking you may have run into a similar situation.
Anna S.
Well, Anna, yes, what you say is all too familiar, and, at this point in my learning curve, all I can say is that it's clear to me that most people need -- to thrive for an entire life -- a balanced diet which includes plenty of pure water and whole foods from both plant and animal kingdoms.
Since we are opportunistic omnivores by nature, it only makes sense that our bodies will run best on the fuel we were designed to run on: foods from both plant and animal kingdoms.
Philosophically and morally, I certainly wish otherwise, but, hey, if wishing could create the world, this old globe would be a much better place than it is in reality.
And pigs would be able to fly, too.

Friday, March 21, 2008

RECIPIE CENTRAL - MARCH 2008 Discoveries

Lolo Hotsprings, MT

Green Smoothie of the Month: Spinach/Kiwi/Banana

Handfulls of Spinach, to fill 3/4 of the Vitamix
2 bananas
2 kiwis, peeled

This one really tastes great to me this month.

8 leaves of Romaine Watermelon - one watermelon takes care of about 4 smoothies

Very refreshing!

I have to admit, I have gotten a bit sick of green smoothies, and I'm falling back into some old bad habits.... mainly eating a candy bar every day at work. Candy at work is my weakness. It's so easy to prepare (purchase, unwrap, eat!) and keeps me full for many hours, without digestive discomfort (read, gas!) and takes the edge off the many cups of coffee I need to stay awake.

Mono-eating Fruit
I got into mono-eating dates for a bit, and had a lot of grapefruits. I'm not sure what led to what, but I had one of the worst period days. Ever. I took 2 ibuprofin, and even a perscription pain medication left over from my c-section recovery. Even that failed to take the edge off. It's bad when the 3rd highest pain med available no longer works for you. My body grew immune to it two weeks after my surgery and has been resistant to it ever since. I took the same dose just a few hours before work, and I was afraid I'd done myself in. Ringing in the ears. Horrible cramp pain, major spaciness. Jittery. It's awful when this happens at work, because you just have to go home. I think I remember reading in several places that grapefruit enhances your body's uptake of certain medications. Oops!

Dying Silently
Death through bleeding to death is a silent, painless death, I learned when I had my placental abruption happened. I bet this is how many people go, on overdoses of pain medication. They don't even realize they are bleeding internally. They just quietly go to sleep.

Period Pain
The answer to "female pain" for me seems again, to be GREENS. Dong Quai seemed to work, when I took that, the pain was greatly reduced. Also, red raspberry leaf and alfalfa tea. The problem with tea and green smoothies are getting them down. I suppose I should buy some Dong Quai then, since it is in pill form.... until greens get a bit more appealing again. Oh, and I should mention, green tea does NOT work and in fact makes my periods MUCH MUCH worse.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Adventures in GREEN SMOOTHIES - Jan/Feb 2008

This is my husband, Wallace. Isn't he cute? (This is how he poses for most pictures - what a turkey!) Here's some of the smoothies my son and I tried. Yes, not all the ingredients are raw, but we are working with a limited budget and using up stuff that people gave us. My #1 goal is to increase my consumption of leafy greens.

Th. 1/3, Fr. 1/4

1/2 bunch kale
2 yellow apples (tried green apples the next day)
1 orange
1 avocado
2 c water
Joseph and I like it, but it gives me horrible gas/diahreah. Won't blend small enough for a bottle. Joseph ate some on Triscuits.

Sun. 1/6

1/2 bunch kale
Apple juice - "baby" stuff that Joseph wouldn't drink plain. Pasteurized.
1 peeled cucumber
1 lemon

Use less lemon next time, but good! This is my third day of eating leafy greens, and it was a "Fast Sunday" at church, which means you don't have anything until after lunch. With being diabetic, I couldn't do that, but decided to see what would happen if I just drank this smoothie before the 3-hour service. Would you believe I actually made it all the way until 1pm WITHOUT needing to eat, and WITHOUT my blood sugar crashing?! This is HUGE for me. I was actually able to pay attention, and although I was a bit hungry, it was a genuine hunger for healthy foods, not that crack-y shakey hunger that gives you a headache and weak, clumsy movements.

Mon. 1/7

2c Strawberries
2 bananas
6-7 kale leaves, no stems

YUM! Joseph ate a coffee cup-full by the spoon!

2c mangoes
kale - 1/2 bunch
2c water
peeled cucumber

YUM! Joseph didn't like.

Tu. 1/8

All leaves from a bunch of bok choy
2c mangoes
1 cucumber (peel next time!)
2 c water

Not very tasty, but tolerable. Joseph didn't like. I don't think he likes mangoes. Improved with pasteurized grape juice but not much.

Wed. 1/9

6 leaves kale
2-3c strawberries
1c mangoes
1 peeled cucumber

You can hardly taste the mangoes - not sure if that's worth it to put 'em in. Good! Joseph drank 6 oz. too.

Th. 1/10

turnip greens
1 apple
1 orange
1 cucumber (unpeeled)

Tasted ok but gave me a fasting blood sugar of 102 and the runs. Joseph didn't like.

Fr. 1/11

1 bunch Romaine
1 12-0z bag frozen Raspberries
1 avocado
1 banana

Sa. 1/12

1 bunch Romaine
1 12-oz. bag frozen Blueberries
1 avocado
1 banana

Agreed with me, but I was hoping the taste would be better. Surprisingly, romaine is more bitter than kale. Joseph didn't like either of the romaine smoothies either.

Sa. 1/12 with my MIL who is also diabetic:

Handfull kale
1 avocado
Juice of 1 lemon
1 apple
1 banana

Good! Thin, and easy down. Joseph ate a little - not really interested - too "chivey," I think, for him. My MIL's ten year-old and 14-year old love green smoothies now too.

Sun. 1/13

1 bunch Turnip greens
1 pear
1/2 green apple

Not bad for turnip greens, but it has a Wasabi-like spiciness that is undesireable.


1/2 c water
12-16oz. "Berry Medley" frozen bag (straw-, rasp-, blue-, and blackberries) Great Value brand from Wal-Mart - but any brand will do!
1 banana



1/2 c water
12 oz. blueberries, frozen
1 banana

AWESOME! Go easy on the water for the fullest flavor.

Blend 1 honeydew melon.

I asked him how small you had to cut it up, and he said "normal" slices - more like scooped out of the melon and into the blender. Add no water. I thought this creation was SO good. It was like nectar from the Gods. I HATE melons, something about the crunchy/juicy texture together is gross to me, but blended it is creamy like milk and tastes delicious.

Mo. 1/14

3 kiwis
3 celery sticks
1 banana
2c water

Interesting! Thin! Seems a bit garlicky. The taste is immediately very good, but gets overwhelming after 1 tall glass. Had to split it up into 2-3 servings throughout the day - then it is delicious! Especially chilled!

Tu. 1/15
1 ripe pear
1 ripe banana
1/2 head romaine
1 avocado

VERY good! Especially cold!

BABY FOOD - How to try three different smoothies on your baby at once.

Start with:

1 Bag Frozen Strawberries
1 Bag Frozen Blueberries
Bunch of bananas
Bunch of Kale
8 "Munchkin" brand cups with lids - 1c serving size, or other Tupperware type of storage system for homemade baby food.

In a Vita-Mix blender, add:

2c water (do the softest things first, do the frozen stuff last)
2 avocados
2 bananas
25 strawberries

Blend. Take out two cups of the mixture and put into storage containers. Add:

1c water
1c blueberries

Blend. Take out two cups of the mixture and put into storage containers. Add:

1c water
3 kale leaves

Blend. Fill the remaining four storage containers.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Green Smoothie of the Month: SPINACH APRICOT

It's not 100% raw, but the idea here is to get 1-2 bunches of leafy greens into my diet each day, however that is accomplished.

1 15-oz can of low- (or no- if you can find it) sugar apricots
Baby Spinach (the kind found pre-bagged), to the top of the 2-Liter Vita-Mix container



Joseph's (10 mo. old) Smoothie of the Month: MIXED BERRY

1 12-oz bag "Mixed Berry" from frozen fruit section of the store
1 banana
1 avocado (optional)
water, to cover blades


Other options:
1 12-oz bag blueberries
1 12-oz bag blackberries
1 12-oz bag cherries

Also, can successfully add GREENS! They didn't appeal to us real heavily this month, but nonetheless I at least threw in 1-2 handfulls of spinach.

We have eaten a LOT of mixed berry smoothies this month. Blackberries are by far the cheapest - $1.99, followed by blue- and raspberries - $2.89-$3.89. Mixed berry was the most expensive - $3.49.

You can get good deals on frozen berries at Wal-Mart, Grocery Outlet (Rainbow Grocery), and sales at normal stores.

Good news to report! Since drinking green smoothies of any type each day for one month... month ending with my period, I have to say there has been a positive change! Only one day did I need to take an Ibuprofin, and that was only 3 doses. Many months I have been crippled with pain to the point of having to stay in bed for 2-3 days, missing work or school, and not being able to do much of anything.

Back on the Sugar Train.... and back off

I observed something interesting about myself.

I got a new job three weeks ago. It's not glamerous, but it's at a convenience store called "Zip Trip" - the big draw is that it's just 5 miles from our home in the country and has set hours - four 10-hr. graveyard shifts - which works perfectly with dh's swing shifts.
But anyhooters.... it all started with needing several cups of coffee to make the transition from day working to night working. Then it became coffee with a bit of creamer to stop that dry, hunger-like coffee belly feeling. Then it became some hot chocolate mixed in. Then it became a candy bar dipped in the toasty warm coffee with hot chocolate. Which then became a king-sized. And all of a sudden I discovered I was feeling super-intense sugar CRAVINGS again, after nearly a month of feeling NONE for the first time in my life since drinking 2 L of green smoothies a day.

How did this happen?! Just the small allowance of that daily sugar turned into a big allowance and then a craving. Mix that with a horrible batch of kale and all of a sudden I've missed greens in my smoothies for five days while I wait for my paycheck to buy more kale.

It's amazing how a lack of greens can lead to all sorts of cravings. Because as soon as I started doing my greens again, the sugar craviongs went completely away.

Our Physical Body is Never Older than Seven Years

Our physical body is never older than seven years! This is due to the fact that the body recreates itself constantly.

Tissue cells die and are replaced by new ones. Every second we lose about three-and-a-half million red blood cells. There is nothing to worry about though, for another three-and-a-half million are born to replace the old ones. Ninety-eight percent of the atoms present in our body today will be gone within one year and replaced by new ones. The body is more like a river of constantly renewed tissues rather than a frozen sculpture of decaying matter.

Skin cells live for seven days

Heart cells live for ninety days

Bone cells have a thirty-six month life span.

There is a different life expectancy for every type of tissue cell depending on its function and location in the body. Life energy, the creative force, is constantly at work recreating our tissues and organs. Life energy or "human electricity" travels via the nerve system to reach every single tissue cell in the body... The question we must all ask ourselves is, what kind of body are we going to have next year? Is it going to be a healthier one or a sicker one? Is it going to replace itself normally or abnormally? Is it going to express more ease or dis-ease?


I am facinated by autism. I don't know what it is.... but something tells me to PAY ATTENTION and learn all I can about this devastating condition. This is my collection of information on autism. A site about overvaccination, the chemicals in vaccines (antifreeze, ether, mercury, aluminum), the alternative (DAN! - Defeat Autism Now!) vaccination schedule and motivational posters to get people to THINK and QUESTION the powers-that-be regarding the safety of our vaccines. A site about a family who has SIX autistic children (six!) and their struggles to be understood and their fight for autism awareness. They sell t-shirts for autistic children to wear in public that explains their sometimes odd behavior with humor.

Whole Food Signatures

You are what you eat, so eat well.

A stupendous insight of civilizations past has now been confirmed by today's investigative, nutritional sciences. They have shown that what was once called 'The Doctor in of Signatures' was astoundingly correct. It now contends that every whole food has a pattern that resembles a body organ or physiological function and that this pattern acts as a signal or sign as to the benefit the food provides the eater.

Here is just a short list of examples of Whole Food Signatures.

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye...and science shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food. Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart.

Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Eggplant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? .... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to overcome e male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Grapefruits, Oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like body cells. Today's research shows that onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.


Here I'm going to list all my favorite recipies on my healing journey, and the dates I experimented with and incorporated them into my diet. Enjoy! And let me know what ones you liked!

Raw Recipies January 2008

Green Smoothie-of-the-Month: KALE-STRAWBERRY-BANANA

5-7 leaves of kale
2 cups, or 12 strawberries ( I use Frozsun brand, Wal-Mart)
2 bananas
1 avocado (but good without the avocado too)
2+ cups of water

Blend in a Vita-Mix blender.

Other variations are to add apple juice (can also add whole apples, but it gives it too much of a thick applesauce-y texture for my taste most of the time!) The best part of this recipie is that my 9-month old son LOVES it!

Joseph's (9 mo. old) Smoothie-of-the-Month:

4-5 cups, or 25 Strawberries
2 Avocados
1 Banana

Blend in a Vita-Mix blender.

He likes the above kale-strawberry-banana one above, but will eat this smoothie any time of the day. Another thing I should mention - he prefers it spooned rather than in a cup or bottle because it clogs so often, even with enlarging the holes. Other variations are adding applesauce or pears.

Transitional Recipies January 2008


I had a hard time eating quinoa - I loved it's texture but it was so DRY! I wanted something that would be filling and moist. I had one of those "aha" moments and made it into salad!

To cook quinoa it takes about 3x as much water as grain, so I usually eye-it in a pot and then turn it on until it boils and then reduce heat, cover, and simmer about 15 min.

Adventures in Quinoa!

Half a cucumber
One whole tomato
Stir all together - YUM!

Half a cucumber
(Vegans-don't-kill-me!) A bit of ground beef/turkey and the fat out of one pound of it that we had fried.

The story behind this is the salsa turned out to be "HOT" accidentally - no one knows where the stuff came from! (We always buy mild!) I can't stand eating hot stuff and I was SO mad I wasted the last cucumber and the last quinoa!!! So I poured some fat into the mix to cut the spice.
Yes, at this point beef is still a daily part of my diet. My 1 priorities, being still pre-diabetic, are eliminating breads, cereals, crackers, sugar in all it's refined forms, cooked whole grains (except the alkalizing ones like quinoa), and dairy. I don't do well with fish or any other supposedly "healthier" meats. Maybe someday I will be vegan but at this point that's not my goal. My goal is to greatly increase the ammount of vegetables, and some fruits into my diet, and cut out the stuff that personally gives me obnoxious health problems.

Blood Sugar/Green Smoothie Record - January 2008

Definition of Diabetes: Blood sugar of 200 or above any time of the day, regardless of when your last meal was eaten. Fasting glucose level of 126 or more ("fast" = 8 hrs. after you have eaten anything). GTT (glucose tolerance test) after fasting you are given 75g pure glucose to drink, then test after 2 hrs. If 200> you have diabetes.

Definition of Pre-Diabetes: Fasting glucose between 110-125. GTT between 140-199.

Putting my blood to the test!!!! Putting Green Smoothies to the Test!!!

A little bit of backround info first: I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes - this is the only traditional western healthcare I have had access to in the last 10 years and it was through my midwife. She wrote me a prescription for a glucometer and a year's worth of testing supplies. The doctors would not test me for regular diabetes after my son was born because they said that gestational diabetes does not turn into type 2 diabetes, and then my health insurance ended. Midwife had me test my FBS, before each meal, and 2 hours after each meal during my pregnancy. I have continued to do this off-and-on as resources and circumstances allowed me to eat healthy. (I didn't really want to know my blood sugar when I didn't have the $$ to eat right! Too depressing to know!!)


11:30 Drank 64 oz. green smoothie (kale, strawberry, banana)

1:30pm blood sugar is 78

Had 2 heaping servings of Hamburger Helper at 1:30.

3:30pm blood sugar is 85

6:30pm blood sugar is 82

Had two tortillas fried in butter, sprinkled in cinnamon at 6:30

8:30pm blood sugar is 106

Had insomnia all night - didn't do a morning FBS (fasting blood sugar) because I snacked all night, and didn't fast for 8 hrs.


6:00pm had Chilli and Cornbread

10:00pm Green smoothie (orange, apple, turnip greens, pasteurized OJ concentrate, cucumber, and a crushed-up vitamin pill) - also sipped a bit at 12am and 3am.


8:00am blood sugar is 102

9:30am quinoa w/butter and lemon pepper, 1c of the smoothie left over from last night

11:30 blood sugar is 96

Had a green smoothie with romaine, raspberries, pears, and banana at 11:30. Had 1c melon blended into a smoothie, and a salad made up of mostly cabbage and tomatoes and steak pieces.
I really wish I was better about checking my blood sugar, but we were busy with relatives and working so I often forgot about it at the critical times!! Or else snacked here and there, so there was never a 2 hr. time where I didn't eat after a meal so I could test!!


I woke up this morning shaky and took a blood sugar measurement, thinking it would be very low, but it was on the high side 103 at 7:30am. I often wake up feeling extremely hungry in the middle of the night. Especially when I am trying to "watch my diet" and eat low carb. It's unbearable to cut out carbs - I cannot sleep when I feel so HUNGRY! I have tried to beat it with willpower, and tried "toughing it out" I just end up miserable with this weird stomach growly feeling. I got up for a bit and used the computer and the feeling went away, as it often does... but it sure disrupts my sleep. If I EAT SOMETHING I can usually go RIGHT back to sleep, but if I don't eat it usually takes 2 hours and then sometimes I STILL have to eat to go back to sleep.

9:30 blood sugar is 83

Had a green smoothie (3 stalks celery, 3 kiwis, banana, water) at 9:30am. Then we had Subway for lunch at 11:30am (footlong ham, with lots of veggies and mayo - no oil, salt, pepper, or cheese).

1:30pm blood sugar is 139 - gaa!!

Had 5 hard tacos with beef, lots of lettuce and LOTS of tomatoes and salsa at 6:00pm. SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT WITHOUT HAVING TO GET UP AND SNACK!!


7:30am FBS is 98

Had green smoothie at 7:30am (kale, strawberry, banana)

9:30am blood sugar is 79

Ate 1 green apple and 1 banana dipped in Skippy peanut butter at 10:30am.

12:30pm blood sugar is 93

Had more green smoothie - made 64 oz. (celery, kiwi, banana) at 12:30, then some Top Ramen with loads of chopped celery, celery greens, and onion. Went out for some exercise - haven't had a lot of chance to do that lately due to deep snow and lack of childcare - walked up and down hills through 1 1/2 foot snow in the mountains. Fun!! Hiked between 3:00-4:30, then had rest of smoothie made earlier.

6:00pm blood sugar is 84

Ate taco salad w/corn chips, ground beef/turkey, lots of romaine, kale, and tomatoes.

9:00pm blood sugar is 98


6:30am FBS is 95

Things are looking good so far! I am so thankful to have discovered green smoothies. Without them my blood sugar used to gradually creep up throughout the day, and I felt miserable, unable to function without coffee or energy drinks. Green smoothies have completely eliminated my desire for sweets. I couldn't go more than 3 days without some form of sugar in the past.
Something about green smoothies satisfies a deep need in my body.