Friday, March 21, 2008

RECIPIE CENTRAL - MARCH 2008 Discoveries

Lolo Hotsprings, MT

Green Smoothie of the Month: Spinach/Kiwi/Banana

Handfulls of Spinach, to fill 3/4 of the Vitamix
2 bananas
2 kiwis, peeled

This one really tastes great to me this month.

8 leaves of Romaine Watermelon - one watermelon takes care of about 4 smoothies

Very refreshing!

I have to admit, I have gotten a bit sick of green smoothies, and I'm falling back into some old bad habits.... mainly eating a candy bar every day at work. Candy at work is my weakness. It's so easy to prepare (purchase, unwrap, eat!) and keeps me full for many hours, without digestive discomfort (read, gas!) and takes the edge off the many cups of coffee I need to stay awake.

Mono-eating Fruit
I got into mono-eating dates for a bit, and had a lot of grapefruits. I'm not sure what led to what, but I had one of the worst period days. Ever. I took 2 ibuprofin, and even a perscription pain medication left over from my c-section recovery. Even that failed to take the edge off. It's bad when the 3rd highest pain med available no longer works for you. My body grew immune to it two weeks after my surgery and has been resistant to it ever since. I took the same dose just a few hours before work, and I was afraid I'd done myself in. Ringing in the ears. Horrible cramp pain, major spaciness. Jittery. It's awful when this happens at work, because you just have to go home. I think I remember reading in several places that grapefruit enhances your body's uptake of certain medications. Oops!

Dying Silently
Death through bleeding to death is a silent, painless death, I learned when I had my placental abruption happened. I bet this is how many people go, on overdoses of pain medication. They don't even realize they are bleeding internally. They just quietly go to sleep.

Period Pain
The answer to "female pain" for me seems again, to be GREENS. Dong Quai seemed to work, when I took that, the pain was greatly reduced. Also, red raspberry leaf and alfalfa tea. The problem with tea and green smoothies are getting them down. I suppose I should buy some Dong Quai then, since it is in pill form.... until greens get a bit more appealing again. Oh, and I should mention, green tea does NOT work and in fact makes my periods MUCH MUCH worse.

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